Getting to know the Tree via all of the senses

Getting to know the Tree via all of the senses

The Tree Veneration Society

Inspired by years of field research in India exploring the practice of Tree Veneration, and witnessing how this practice was able to protect trees, Louise founded the Tree Veneration Society Inc. (TVS) in 2010. TVS is an eco-art collective created to encourage a focus on the importance of trees to humans and to the planet. As an environmentally focused creative collective, its members include artists, scientists and environmentalists who all share a desire to draw attention to the importance of trees and plants.

The Tree Veneration Society also aims to re-contextualise the historical practice of the sacredness and veneration of trees across nearly all cultures into progressive contemporary community art projects. While being environmentally conscious of the value of trees, particularly in our environmentally challenged world, they also hope to bring some sense of the ritual created in forming a cross-cultural celebration of nature.

The Tree Veneration Society is incorporated and is a registered charity.

Visit the Tree Veneration Society.